Reimagining the Fairgrounds
For many years, the city of Del Mar has relied on being able to put housing at the Del Mar Fairgrounds in order to stay in the state's good graces. The plan makes the Fairgrounds carry the city’s share of the housing mandates, instead of finding land within the city of Del Mar. The catch is that it's unclear where that housing would go and how housing would align with the Fairgrounds future Master Planning efforts. Environmental constraints, like the entire Fairgrounds being in a floodplain, further complicate the feasibility of siting affordable housing.
Fox 5 San Diego: Del Mar Fairgrounds affordable housing proposal questioned by developer
Negotiations between the city and the 22nd Agricultural District (the entity that manages the fairgrounds land) stalled over a disagreement over the railroad realignment. Talks resumed briefly, however the board voted to discontinue negotiations fort he second time in less than 7 months in February 2025 citing that the city had “betrayed” the 22nd Agricultural District. Read More. The saga continued at the March 2025 board meeting. While talks have once again resumed, the board made it clear that “continuing the negotiations does not guarantee the city would be able to build housing on the fairgrounds,” as reported by the San Diego Union Tribune.
As seen in the December HCD letter to the city, Del Mar has to meet some pretty aggressive deadlines. The city doesn’t have the best track record in meeting its housing deadlines so time will tell what this could mean for the city’s housing element certification.
With Seaside Ridge, there’s no need for affordable housing at the Del Mar fairgrounds, at least not anytime soon. As the fair board commences its master planning process, it can now take its time and thoughtfully plan out this magnificent property without separately trying to accommodate the city’s hurried desire to build affordable housing there. Rather, housing at the fairgrounds can be included later on in the 7th housing cycle when the state will require cities to provide even more affordable housing.
“We are supportive of the efforts to reimagine the fairgrounds, including the addition of housing, to ensure the land can continue to serve the community and be an anchor for tradition, innovation, and most importantly – fun. We look forward to reviewing the technical and environmental analysis required of all development projects to determine whether housing at the fairgrounds is possible.”