Seaside Ridge
Seaside Ridge provides mixed-income housing for a variety of households and facilitates equitable access to coastal resources through context sensitive design and public park space.
Click here to read more about the community benefits associated with Seaside Ridge.
The project site is an approximately 6.9-acre , vacant parcel located at 929 Border Avenue in the City of Del Mar. The property is designated as a candidate affordable housing site in the City’s 6th Cycle Housing Element.
Seaside Ridge would help the City comply with the law by building 259 for-rent homes, of which 49% will be classified affordable for low- to moderate-income households (pre-density bonus or 33% after density bonus is applied).
Seaside Ridge is comprised of 42 lower-income units and 43 moderate-income units. The 42 lower income units consist of two extremely low, two very low, and 38 low-income units. For reference, in San Diego County, qualifying incomes in 2024 for a household of four would range from roughly $75,000 for very-low-income households to $143,000 for moderate income.
The units include (18) micro, (68) studios, (116) 1BDs, (46) 2BDs and (11) 3BDs ranging from 400 sf to 1,520 sf, with an average unit size of 764 sf.
Seaside Ridge adheres to objective design standards in the City’s certified Local Coastal Program (LCP) Housing Element Implementation Overlay Zone (HEI-OZ), including an average unit size less than 1,000 sf in the Project.
Architectural designs and landscape features are designed to complement Del Mar and include colors, materials, and details that draw from and enhance the natural oceanfront setting. As sited, Seaside Ridge does not impair public views of the ocean from public viewing areas.
Seaside Ridge would voluntarily provide a 50-foot-wide blufftop park open to the public with ample public access around the property, including two vertical accessways from Camino del Mar to the property’s bluff frontage, wayfinding and educational signage, and 25 onsite public parking spaces. The blufftop park is designed to ensure that it remains available to the public even in the event of extreme coastal hazards.
449 vehicular parking stalls comprised of 25 onsite public spaces, 316 onsite resident spaces, 65 onsite guest parking spaces, and 43 additional surplus spaces to ensure onsite parking capacity is maintained and on-street access to nearby coastal resources is protected.
Click here to review the Seaside Ridge application.